vmware server 2.0.2 crap


largely saving for reference

Today i ran into something very strange, a freshly set up VMWare Server 2.0 host wasn’t accessible by https and vsphere client.
I analysed the logfiles and came accross

[2010-11-06 13:35:09.843 'Proxysvc' 4128988016 warning] SSL Handshake on client connection failed: SSL Exception: error:00000000:lib(0):func(0):reason(0)

which seemed to be related to some SSL v2 Certificate thingie.
It didn’t work out for me to enable SSL v2 but as a quick hacky solution replacing all

“httpsWithRedirect” with “httpAndHttps”
in /etc/vmware/hostd/proxy.xml
then do a /etc/init.d/vmware-mgmt restart

atleast now lets me connect to the server without ssl encryption just fine.
I know its not 100% safe but on a local network server its acceptable to me.
Keep in mind instead of https://xxx:8333 you now have to use http://xxx:8222

thanks thorian

Categories : geek

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